A low-risk and cost-effective way to try selling at the Market
An opportunity for vendors to sell quantities that would not financially justify a full booth
A way to get a feel for selling at a farmers market before making a seasonal commitment
Provide a direct Market outlet for local home gardeners with extra produce
A great way to increase the diversity and element of surprise each week at the Market
The Community Table (CT) booth fee is 25% of total sales per vendor. (Cash only)
Only locally grown fresh fruits, veggies, ODA approved producer processed products and flowers may be sold at the Community Table.
There can only be four vendors selling products per week.
The CT is managed by a Florence Farmers Market CT Coordinator but vendors are encouraged to help with the setup, sales and tear down if possible. They are not required to stay and sell but they do need to get their proceeds and any remaining products at the end of each market (6 pm).
Potential CT vendors must contact the CT Coordinator ahead of time to ensure there is space available.
Email Britte Kirsch at britte.kirsch@gmail.com or
call 435-729-0554 to reserve space and get more details.