Join us for about 30 minutes of singing, rhyming, reading, and play followed by a craft or project.
FACE Florence Festival of Books 2024: The Coast's biggest bookfest blossoms on September 28th! FACE’s Festival of Book features editors, authors, and publishers offering workshops, kids activities, and advice on […]
Pick-up your warm & crispy waffle from one of our students baking stations and top it the way you like it! The Waffle Bar will have fruit & berries, warm […]
Pick up your freshly baked Belgian Waffle from a student baking station and take it over to the build-your-own-Belgian Waffle-bar to top it exactly to your liking. Choose from fruit, […]
We’ll be restoring the surface of the trail using digging tools and clearing back vegetation. Celebrate National Public Lands Day w/ TKO! Find out more and register for free here!
Help the Oregon Dunes Restoration Collaborative and the Siuslaw National Forest celebrate National Public Lands Day, Saturday, September 28 from 10 AM to Noon at Heceta Dunes, north of Florence. […]
All are welcome!
We’ll be restoring the surface of the trail using digging tools and clearing back vegetation. For more information and to register for free, click here!
Good evening, My name is Alfred Hitchcock, and I would like to tell you about my forthcoming “Fall Into Hitchcock - the Sequel” film series at City Lights Cinemas in […]
Fun Connections Playgroup for parents and children 0-5 years' of age. A safe and fun space to play with your child(ren), meet other families, and make connections.