Lamprey are fish (really!) that live in most Siuslaw streams and rivers, yet many of us may never have seen one. Though not highly visible today, lamprey have played an important ecological role in rivers and streams for millions of years, and an important cultural one in the Pacific Northwest and the Siuslaw for millennia. Join us in our Zoom-based meeting, where we will welcome a panel of guest speakers and a film, all bringing a wealth of knowledge about lamprey’s (very) long history and work currently being done to support lamprey recovery:
Ralph Lampman, Pacific Lamprey Project Bi
ologist, Yakama Nation Fisheries
John Schaefer, Tribal Biologist, Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians
Paul Burns, Fisheries Biologist, Siuslaw National Forest
Film: “The Lost Fish”, Produced by Jeremy Monroe, Freshwaters Illustrated
The meeting will be hosted via Zoom, and is free to attend.
Registration is required, and is easy to do:
- Register in advance for this meeting by using the following link and following on-screen instructions:
- After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting
- If you have any trouble registering, please contact, or call 541-268-3044 for help.
Also being announced this evening is the Winter Photo Contest winner!